The Party

A Writing Competition for Students in the Bailiwick of Guernsey

Organised by the Guernsey Literary Festival

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Read the winning stories

Primary Years 3/4/5/6

Highly Commended

Intermediate Years 7/8/9

First Prize

The Wedding

Zara de Sausmarez

Year 7 Les Beaucamps School

Second Prize

The Party

Isabelle Guest

Year 9 The Ladies’ College

Highly Commended

Senior Years 10+

Highly Commended

The Heist

Oliver Guest

Year 10+ Elizabeth College


Jake Van der Linden

Year 10+ St Sampson’s School

Special Educational Needs (SEND)

Highly Commended


Write a 300-word story on the theme “The Party”.

The Write Stuff is celebrating its 10th year in 2024. So, after a decade of competitions, we're throwing a party for our next writing challenge. Your story can contain up to 300 words, plus a title to set the scene.

You can choose the setting, the characters and the plot for whatever kind of party your imagination can conjure up. Your story can contain up to 300 words, while you can add extra words to 'The Party' in your title to set the scene.

For example, you might want to create the start of a murder mystery through a title like 'The Party at Macabre Manor'. Or perhaps you prefer a science fiction setting such as 'The Party at World's End', or want to set up a ghost story with a title such as 'The Party's Last Guest'. It could be a party where something wonderful happens – or the opposite... The choice is yours.

We look forward to celebrating this special anniversary with your stories – and whatever party they bring to the table.