Illustration by Sheena Le Messurier
First Prize
In Loving Memory
Herbie Stow
Year 10+ Elizabeth College
A deadly chill as cold as the northern sea sends me shuddering. Thankfully, the long woollen knitted scarf is still on the back of Grandma’s chair. I reach over and grab it as a smile spreads across my face. Closing my eyes, I reminisce and bask in the memories of my dear, deceased old Granny. She had spent hours lovingly knitting me the scarf. “Wrap up warm dear, or you’ll cough all night like I do,” she would say every time I left the house.
The ping from the oven shoots me back to the current day. The smell of freshly made chicken pie filling my senses. Jake, my best friend from school always loved our home. Most days he would be here after school, snacking on Grandma’s homemade delights. There was always a spare seat at our dining room table for him before the tragic accident took him way too young.
A smile gleams across my face. Tonight is going to be a good dinner party. Delicious food, plentiful wine and most of all, the company of friends and family. Yes, I have lost people I care about. The sadness overwhelming at times, but I also have lots that bring me joy. Sitting round the warmth of the crackling fire, my home feels welcoming to the imminent guests.
Bing bong. “Ah, they are here”, I say out loud to myself, as though in preparation for the plentiful chatter that’s to come. I slowly open the door.
Filling with happiness, my eyes settle on my small, frail Grandma. I quickly turn and look at my childhood friend Jake also standing in front of me. Jake comes towards me with arms outstretched, his mouth moving, uttering the words…
“Welcome to the afterlife.”