A Writing Competition for Students in the Bailiwick of Guernsey

Organised by the Guernsey Literary Festival

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Read the winning stories

Primary Years 3/4/5/6

First Prize

Milk Maid

Sophie Harrison

Year 3 Ladies College, Melrose

Highly Commended

The Gift

Annabelle Smith

Year 6 Vauvert School

Intermediate Years 7/8/9

Highly Commended

The Valleys

Felix Addenbrooke

Year 8 Elizabeth College

Senior Years 10+

Highly Commended


Peter Heyworth

Year 10+ Elizabeth College

Special Educational Needs (SEND) Primary and Secondary

First Prize ( Secondary )

The Curse

Harvey Wilson

Year 10+ Le Murier School

Highly Commended


Write a 300-word story inspired by a myth or legend for the chance to win a fantastic cash prize!

Gather inspiration from the stories of the past. Your story could be inspired by a Guernsey or Greek myth, or by a legend from the past such as Robin Hood or King Arthur.

You might choose to rewrite your own version of your favourite myth by adding yourself to the storyline. What powers might you have? What adventures might you go on? What fantasy creatures, brave heroes, magic spells and powerful gods might you encounter?

You might want to reimagine your myth or legend from the point of view of one of the supporting characters, or even the villain of the piece. How might Maid Marion tell her part in Robin Hood’s legend? What might Medusa think about her role in her Greek myth?

Closer to home, perhaps there is a local folklore site that you might like to use as inspiration for your own story, such as the Creux es Fees near the Lihou headland?

Whichever story you choose, try to capture the experience of your episode vividly so that it brings your characters and their world to life.

Listen to the winning stories