Illustration by Sheena Le Messurier
Second Prize
The Party Heist
Pearl Tarry
Year 6 La Houguette School
My foot almost slips as the brick crumbles below me. “Let’s hope that wasn't important…” Violet sighs disapprovingly.
“Let’s hope I don't fall off this intimidatingly big drop, shall we?” I remind her. Climbing up the town hall to sneak into it is actually a lot harder than I thought it would be, and so is trying to steal the 2024 movie award. I can see Violet sitting in the van across the road.
“Let's hope we don't mess this up otherwise everyone at the party will be our witness!”
Thump! Through the window, I fall right into the main hall. As if that isn't bad enough, something dawns on me. “This isn’t a fancy-dress party Violet!”
“I know, and you're about as stealthy as an elephant right now!” She chuckles.
“This is serious! I'm just going to make my way to the bathroom without being seen…”
Acting in desperation, I swiftly side-step into the bathroom. “Quick. In the last stall there’s an air vent, you’ve got to climb into it and make your way to the trophy room.”
Intensely, the sound of music, laughter and games echoes through my ears and into the cramped, clammy crawl-space. All too soon, I’m getting close.
My heart is heavy, as are my lungs. Slowly but surely, I lower myself into the trophy room…
“Dundundundun dundundundun. Nana-” She sings,
“Are you seriously singing that right now!?” I whisper, with not much breath left.
“Sorry Boss.” Violet clears her throat.
I’m so close. I can feel it in my grasp. My stomach drops. First, comes a small beam of light protruding through the door frame. Second, the creak of hinges. I don’t have to turn around to know how much trouble I’ll be in. It’s too late, I just have to accept my fate...