Illustration by Sheena Le Messurier
Third Prize
Fancy Diamond Party
Alexander Hieghton-Jackson
Year 3 Blanchelande School
Once upon a time, there lived a rock. This rock looked very ordinary, and his name was Igneous—Iggy for short. All he did all day was lay around feeling heavy. He wanted friends but the others were fancy, wealthy, diamonds. The diamonds always had fancy parties, not for dull rocks. But then one day, the diamonds had such a big party, that all the boring rocks were invited. Iggy sat around in the dirt, watching the party from afar. Iggy felt disappointed that he was a dull rock instead of a diamond. He thought, if he were a diamond, he could do anything!
Suddenly, lightning struck above Iggy and thunder was frightening. Iggy was sitting in dry dirt, but when the rain fell, he got buried in mud. Lightning struck right behind Iggy! Iggy rolled face forward into even muddier mud! Then, one of his rock friends, named Crash, pulled him out and invited him to the diamond party. Iggy decided going to the party was his only choice. When he got to the party the diamonds said, “Ugh! Yuck! You’re so dirty and gross! Why did you come here! You are getting the brand-new floor dirty!” Iggy felt like he was a dump.
Just then, one of the mean diamonds, that always made fun of him, tripped him up. “Ouf!” Iggy said as he rolled down some stairs. Then BANG! Iggy cracked open! “Oh my!” yelled the crowd. Iggy was broken open and inside he was the shiniest diamond of them all! His rock friend, Crash, said, “Iggy, are you still my friend, since you are a diamond, and I am a dull rock?” Iggy smiled and reassured his friend, “Of course, I’ll always be your friend, no matter what, because you pulled me out of the dirt.”