Illustration by Sheena Le Messurier
First Prize
Party with a Bang
Riley Corbin
Year 7 Les Voies School
The Liberation Day Party at L’islet was well underway. Best friends John and Emilly were there having fun. There was a beer tent with adults chatting and rocking to the music from The White Stripes, children running around and queueing for food. The air smelt of Sweet Dinky Doughnuts, Salty Hot Dogs and Smoky frying burgers. When the military parade arrived at 13:00 the vehicles were honking their horns, blasting their sirens, and waving flags. People were dressed in WWII clothing and blasting out patriotic music. It was so loud that John and Emily went down onto the beach to get away from all the noise.
When they were on the beach they played on the sand and rolled around until Emilly landed on something hard. and said “ Oh My Goodness ”. John came over “What is it?” “Something hard,” said Emily. “Let's have a look,” said John while pulling out his phone from his pocket. They both started digging with their hands until they uncovered something Mind blowing, it was a BOMB!!!! John and Emilly stood there in amazement and studied their find. Finally John explained “It's a German WWII bomb”.
John called the Police immediately and PC Dwane from the bomb squad came as fast as possible. When PC Dwane arrived in his Bomb Disposal Van he eagerly assessed the situation for any risks. When he was finished he placed the bomb in his van and said that John and Emilly would get medals as a reward for finding the device he then thanked them. Quickly he drove toward the harbor, went out to sea in a police dinghy, went round to L’islet and he dropped it in the sea, where the bomb exploded. It looked amazing, like a firework show and made everyone feel very happy.