Illustration by Sheena Le Messurier
First Prize
Animal Extravaganza!
Ruby Day
Year 4 Ladies College, Melrose
Many moons ago, I discovered what my rabbit, Bubbles, secret life was like, and this is how it all started. At midnight I woke up because I could not sleep. I peeped out of my window and just didn't believe my eyes! I SAW A PARTY OF ANIMALS and in a little top hat and matching cape was my pet bunny- Bubbles. “What’s going on?” I thought to myself. So, I crept downstairs, I tiptoed around the squeaky floorboards and crawled out the door and into the garden. Silent as a mouse, I slipped into a bush. The sight I saw, took my breath away. They were holding a full-on party in my garden. It was amazing what a little rabbit in a top hat could do.
On a small wooden table stood a four layered cake; the bottom layer was worms for the chicks and ducks, then the grass layer was for the sheep, then slugs for hedgehogs and seeds for birds. Then the sheep dropped her napkin carelessly and reached under the table to get it, at that very moment, a little lamb was born and named, Napkin, because of how she was born!
I ran back to my bed and couldn’t believe what I’d just experienced; it took me a while to eventually fall back asleep.
I woke up at sunrise and swung out of bed, was it all just a dream or had it really happened? I slipped my feet into my slippers which were wet and there was a little party napkin with a golden lamb on it, tucked inside. I knew now, for sure that it was real. As I cuddled Bubbles later, I whispered, “your secret is safe with me,” and I am sure she gave me a wink!