Highly commended

My Adventure in the Amazon Rainforest

Hugo Gouvela
Year 4 Notre Dame School

It was a hot, sticky morning. I could smell the plants and hear the monkeys screaming up in the vine trees. My adventure in the Amazon rainforest was about to begin and I was so excited.

As I was walking though the muddy patches of the rainforest, I could hear sounds coming from behind the ferns. I thought it was going to be a group of toucans and to my surprise it was a black panther called Jet. Jet told me to jump on his back and we set off into the jungle.

We stopped at the Amazon river and saw the pink river dolphins. I had never seen pink dolphins before, their faces were more round than the dolphins I am used to seeing.

Jet then showed me all the beautiful fruit trees in the Amazon, did you know there are at least 3000 fruits found in the rainforest? The amazon grape trees were so beautiful too with the grapes growing on their trunks and so tasty. The sound of a bird singing was coming from high up in the trees. Jet said it was a sign of danger nearby. We turned around and to our surprise there was an anaconda, it was huge! Jet told me to hold on tight as we made a run for it.

After 10 minutes of running, we came across the ‘boiling river’. There was so much steam coming out of it that everything around us looked white. It was dangerous and felt more hot than before, but was so awesome to see.

I was having the best time with Jet until I was woken up by the sound of my mum calling me. I opened my eyes and realised it was all a dream; a dream that I would never forget.

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