Illustration by James de la Rue
First Prize
The Greenhouse
Sienna Wallen
Year 7 The Ladies’ College
Since Mum died, I've never felt the same. We had to move house, sell our possessions, and I still miss her to this very day. Dad was so defeated; it crushed me to see how much it affected him- and that’s when we saw our new garden.
The lawn was yellow and dead, and most of the trees were bare, and the branches were snapped; and in the middle of it all- there was a greenhouse... the glass was cracked, and the whole place was a shambles. With overgrown weeds and dry hopeless mud, but in the middle of all the chaos, there was a tomato plant- growing to the top of the glass and right in the middle there was a big red tomato, I thought how much mum liked tomatoes, and then I decided something- whether it took me one year or ten- I'd make this place a real family greenhouse, where winding beans staked up-, and lettuces grew. I took a bite out of that tomato, and felt the flavour flood my mouth, and that’s when I started.
I cleared all the weeds, and when dad saw what I was doing- he started helping too; we scattered new grass seeds on the ground and watered all the trees daily. We put compost in the greenhouse, and after all our hard work, we were ready to grow.
Soon, the garden was littered with life, the air smelled fresh- and I could hear birdsong from every thriving tree. In the greenhouse, plants grew in every corner, and in the middle- that tomato plant stayed, producing fresh fruit every year.
As the plants grew, other things did as well, things I can’t explain- yet understand perfectly, and now even though Mum’s not here, she feels closer than ever.