Illustration by James de la Rue
Third Prize
It’s Time
Harry Snell
Year 10+ Elizabeth College
3. 2. 1.
‘Randy. It’s time.’
Where are you?
It’s late in the evening. People joyously screaming at the top of their lungs dancing whilst the dark swaying, trees howl in the garden. He’s been ignoring everyone here.
Everyone but you.
He blends in with the crowd sipping on their ciders, beers and other beverages.
Making his way through the party.
Making his way to you.
He has an ordinary lifestyle with an ordinary job. He has an ordinary wife with ordinary kids. Ordinary hobbies too; but is he ordinary?
He is extraordinary.
He grabs a sliding beer from the table and takes a swig. Casually, he looks over his shades.
Looks over at you.
What did you do?
He doesn’t want to know what you’re doing. He knows what you’ve done.
He knows what he will do to you.
He has a history of reaching unreachable people.
Are you unreachable?
Clearly not.
He’s been doing this for a long time. Tracking ordinary guys with extraordinary qualities.
He’s closer to you.
Alas, when he reaches you, he clutches his .45 from the inside of his blazer.
He’s pointing it at you.
I’d be scared if I were you.
3. 2. 1.
It’s time.’