Second Prize
The Expedition
Casper Bailey
Year 10+ Elizabeth College
Expedition 4356-6A
Senior Research Officer: Professor Robert Westfield
Assistant Research Officer: Dr Angela Valentine
Security team led by Adrian Scarlet
Result of Expedition: [REDACTED]
Audio Log of Professor Westfield: Entry Number [1]
Entry was successful, although I fear my initial fears may have been replaced with new anxieties. This world is both fascinating yet horrifying and will make a most interesting study for research. Mr Scarlet has begun establishing a base camp and was most thorough in his sweep of the area. Despite this, my paranoia remains and I am continuously unsettled by this bizarre and strange land. Dr Valentine has managed to operate the beacon so as to communicate with the facility while we are here.
This place, it is beyond words. It appears to be completely devoid of life, yet it feels as if something is constantly watching you. I find myself looking into the horizon expecting something to be there. There appears to be no natural light source but everything is still well lit, if that makes any kind of sense, it’s as if you can just see the dark structures of this place, yet at the same time they remain vague and undefinable. They will definitely warrant further research but we must focus on the task at hand.
Entry Number [16]
Our previous thoughts have been proven wrong. There is life here, at least, a macabre twisted reflection of it. We noticed smaller shapes moving amongst the larger ones a while ago and we’ll be looking further into… What was that?
Entry Number [Redacted]
I’m on my own now, not sure if the others are alive. [Scream] Those things, they… I’ve never seen something kill so quickly… attempts at SOS have all failed… I’ll try and hide it out. [Panting] No- [Static]
Rescue Operation: Denied