Third Prize
Day 100
Alex Falla
Year 8 Elizabeth College
It was 100 days since my dad left home. I didn’t know where he went and if I tried to ask Mum, she started shouting at me and cried herself to sleep. I didn’t want to upset my mum, but I needed to know where he went. I also asked Grandmother, but she said the same thing “Don’t you worry your little head now dear Dick, everything will be alright.” No one was giving me answers and I needed them, so tried to find them.
It was 10 o’clock when I left. I knew I wasn’t allowed to go out past 5 anymore, but I knew my dad was waiting for me out there. I escaped out of the window, with my torch in hand, making sure I didn’t make a sound. Then I ran into the street and hid. Once I made sure no one was around, I turned on the torch and started exploring.
It was weird; no one was around, no lights were on, not even in the houses; and all the shops were closed. It felt like anything could jump out from anywhere. Gradually, I walked down the street, until I heard a noise from above. It sounded like the plane that I saw in Blackpool a few summers earlier, but different. It was a bit louder and somehow sounded menacing. I kept my feet planted, dead silent. Suddenly, I saw an object fall in front of me and an even louder noise sounded, and everything turned white.
Uneasy, I woke up. Nothing felt real somehow, everything seemed distorted. I lifted my head to see my dad ahead of me. Crying tears of joy, I ran up to him and gave him a hug. “I thought I lost you, when I died”, he whispered in my ear.